Nicholas G. Vardalos & Company is a full service accounting firm serving clients throughout the Chicago metropolitan area, northwest Indiana and southwest Michigan.
The IRS continues to highlight the 10 rights for taxpayers while also sharing them extensively with employees. Congress added these fundamental rights to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in late 2015. The IRC now requires the IRS Commissioner to ensure IRS employees are familiar with and act in accordance with the TBOR.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #10, The Right to a fair and Just Tax System
FS-2016-19, April 2016 — The Taxpayer Bill of Rights clearly outlines the fundamental rights of every taxpayer, and the IRS wants every taxpayer to be aware of them when dealing with the agency. In 2014, the IRS adopted the TBOR as a cornerstone document, providing the nation's taxpayers with a better understanding of these rights.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #9, The Right to Retain Representation
FS-2016-18, March 2016 — The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is a cornerstone document providing the nation’s taxpayers with fundamental rights when dealing with the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS wants every taxpayer to be aware of these rights when dealing with the agency.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #8, The Right to Confidentiality
FS-2016-17, March 2016 — Every taxpayer has a set of fundamental rights to be aware of when dealing with the Internal Revenue Service.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #7, The Right to Privacy
FS-2016-15, March 2016 — In 2014, the IRS adopted the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, which is a set of 10 fundamental rights every taxpayer should be aware of when dealing with the IRS.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #6, The Right to Finality
FS-2016-14, March 2016 — The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is a cornerstone document providing the nation’s taxpayers with an understanding of their rights when working with the IRS.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #5, The Right to Appeal an IRS Decision in an Independent Forum
FS-2016-13, March 2016 — The IRS wants every taxpayer to know and understand a set of 10 fundamental rights when dealing with the agency. In 2014, the IRS adopted the Taxpayer Bill of Rights as the cornerstone document to provide the nation’s taxpayers with a better awareness of those rights when dealing with the IRS.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #4, The Right to Challenge the IRS Position and Be Heard
FS-2016-12, February 2016 — The Taxpayer Bill of Rights clearly outlines the fundamental rights of every taxpayer. In 2014, the IRS adopted the TBOR as a cornerstone document to provide the nation's taxpayers with a better understanding of these rights.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #3, The Right to Pay No More than the Correct Amount of Tax
FS-2016-11, February 2016 — In 2014, the IRS adopted a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that has become a cornerstone document to provide the nation's taxpayers a better understanding of their fundamental rights when dealing with the agency.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #2, The Right to Quality Service
FS-2016-9, February 2016 — In 2014, the IRS adopted a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that has become a cornerstone document to provide the nation's taxpayers a better understanding of their fundamental rights when dealing with the agency.
► Taxpayer Bill of Rights: #1, The Right to Be Informed
FS-2016-7, February 2016 — In 2014, the IRS adopted a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that has become a cornerstone document to provide the nation's taxpayers a better understanding of their fundamental rights when dealing with the agency.
* Please consult with your tax adviser before making a final decision as some information may have changed due to IRS rulings.